Sunday, April 14, 2013

Azalea Festival 2013

We went to the Azalea Festival in Downtown Wilmington today.  Matt, Tilley, and I got there fairly early to have brunch and walk around.  While walking around Matt got to meet the guy who owns Freaker (any Shark Tank fans remember him?) and Tilley got in a nap after brunch.

Soon Randal Jean and her grandma met us as Randal Jean had to perform with her dance class in the afternoon.  I had high hopes for Randal Jean's performance until I got a taste of her attitude/neediness and then I knew there was no way her performance was going to go over well.  After struggling to even get her dressed she attached herself to my hip so I had Matt come stand with her at the stage as I knew there was no chance she was going to let go of me to go on stage.  As you can see from the pictures below she barely let go of Matt...honestly she was pried off of him!

And then the "performance"...  She stood there with her hand or maraca in her mouth for the most part and the only movement she did was briefly turn her back to the crowd.  No dancing whatsoever came out of my 3 year old.  I'm not going to lie I was a bit frustrated but I will just be happy that she made it on stage considering some of the other girls in her age group didn't even make it that far.

Since I knew I wasn't going to miss any great photographic moment I was able to take a short video.

Here are two more pics from the day of a happier Randal Jean and cutie pie Tilley.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Our Day

Matt went to a car show with his Dad in MB today so he took Tilley to spend the day with his mom while I stayed back in Wilmington to spend some 1:1 time with Randal Jean and take her to a birthday party. For our 1:1 time I took Randal Jean to the candy store and to get ice cream. To my surprise Randal Jean said she wanted to save all her candy until she got to grandma's :) After the party I met Matt's mom to get Tilley back and send Randal Jean off to spend the night with her grandma and pa for the night.


Friday, March 15, 2013

Wildlife Expo

We took the girls to the Wildlife Expo today. Randal Jean had a blast and Tilley seemed content :). We've always known Randal Jean loves animals but goodness she was ALL about them today! She wanted to hold snakes, touch lizards, pet all the stuffed animals (stuffed meaning taxidermy), and get mad when she wasn't allowed to get in the cages with the live wolves!


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Ft Fisher Aquarium

Last weekend we took the girls to the Ft Fisher Aquarium. I left the big camera at home and only took pics with my made Matt happy but I really missed my big camera. Oh we'll, the memory was captured and that's what matters.

The girls really enjoyed themselves and particularly loved the playground at the end :)