Saturday, December 19, 2009
Isn't She Lovely
Matt and I had round 3 of our 3D/4D ultrasound today. Randal cooperated a bit more after a large breakfast and caffeinated coffee. She is still in pretty much the same position she has been in all week with her feet, hands, and umbilical cord in her face but she was moving around a bit better during the ultrasound so we were able to get a few shots of her face. Also, we were able to confirm she's still a girl :) Below are a few pics of our little girl. In the last pic the object running to the left of her face is her leg....can we say flexible!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Still Stubborn!
So Matt and I went for round 2 of our 3D/4D ultrasound and we didn't fair too much better than last time. We did leave with a few so-so pictures but still nothing we were thrilled with or that the ultrasound tech was happy with. Apparently she is facing my back and in a pike position with her hands AND feet in her face....this makes for bad ultrasound pics. The tech said she had great movement (just not for pics) and the fluid was really clear (with is perfect for pics if hands and feet aren't in the way). Luckily they are going to let us come back for round 3 either tomorrow night or Saturday morning. Hopefully the third time will be the charm :) 

Monday, December 14, 2009
Matt and I went for our 3D/4D ultrasound today and walked out with NO pictures!!! Randal was facing my back and in a ball so we saw nothing more than spine and scalp. We did get to hear her heartbeat which is always nice but we really wanted to see her. The ultrasound tech had me drink some Mountain Dew and eat chocolate, but NOTHING worked. Randal typically sleeps ALL day and is awake all night so the movement I get from her during the day is just a kick or a jab. Luckily we were able to reschedule our ultrasound for Wednesday evening. We will be keeping our fingers crossed that she wants her picture taken this time.
30 weeks
Hello everyone!
Sorry its been so long for a post. We have been super busy and on top of that I was sick for a week....which by the way being sick and pregnant is horrible. I am finally feeling like myself again but still have a slight cough.

Randal weighs about 3 lbs and is 15.5 inches long which is being compared to a large head of cabbage. I have seen the below questionnaire on some other blogs so I thought I would fill it out for all of you:
Maternity clothes?: Yes and no :) I am still able to wear a mix of maternity and non-maternity clothes although many of the non-maternity clothes are just normal clothes that I bought a size bigger.
Sleep?: No complaints about sleep due to pregnancy; however, my cough does seem to kick back up when I lay down or roll over. Even with the cough I still sleep well and find myself only getting up once a night to use the bathroom.
Best Moment of the Week: There hasn't been one defining moment this week but I am excited that things are starting to come together for the nursery. Matt and his dad put down new floors in the nursery, I started making the curtains, and the fabric for the bedding FINALLY came in (ordered it at the beginning of Nov). Matt was also able to see Randal move for the first time this week so that was fun to get to see him react to watching my belly move all around.
Gender: GIRL!!
Labor Signs: None. Thank goodness!!!
Stretch marks: None. Again, thank goodness!!!
Belly Button in or out: Half and half :)
Craving and aversions: I don't know it its a craving but avocados have tasted really good lately. As far as aversions go I still am picky when it comes to things with crab.
What am I looking forward to: Everything!!! Time is starting to go by really quickly and I can't wait to meet my daughter. I am also looking forward to the 3D/4D ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday.
Milestones: We finished birthing class tonight!!!
Sorry its been so long for a post. We have been super busy and on top of that I was sick for a week....which by the way being sick and pregnant is horrible. I am finally feeling like myself again but still have a slight cough.
Randal weighs about 3 lbs and is 15.5 inches long which is being compared to a large head of cabbage. I have seen the below questionnaire on some other blogs so I thought I would fill it out for all of you:
Maternity clothes?: Yes and no :) I am still able to wear a mix of maternity and non-maternity clothes although many of the non-maternity clothes are just normal clothes that I bought a size bigger.
Sleep?: No complaints about sleep due to pregnancy; however, my cough does seem to kick back up when I lay down or roll over. Even with the cough I still sleep well and find myself only getting up once a night to use the bathroom.
Best Moment of the Week: There hasn't been one defining moment this week but I am excited that things are starting to come together for the nursery. Matt and his dad put down new floors in the nursery, I started making the curtains, and the fabric for the bedding FINALLY came in (ordered it at the beginning of Nov). Matt was also able to see Randal move for the first time this week so that was fun to get to see him react to watching my belly move all around.
Gender: GIRL!!
Labor Signs: None. Thank goodness!!!
Stretch marks: None. Again, thank goodness!!!
Belly Button in or out: Half and half :)
Craving and aversions: I don't know it its a craving but avocados have tasted really good lately. As far as aversions go I still am picky when it comes to things with crab.
What am I looking forward to: Everything!!! Time is starting to go by really quickly and I can't wait to meet my daughter. I am also looking forward to the 3D/4D ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday.
Milestones: We finished birthing class tonight!!!
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