Tyler, Riley, and I have entered Mom in to a contest for a photo session with her kids :) To nominate her we had to write in about what she means to us...ALOT!!! Click here and check out what we had to say.
Don't forget to vote for Rhonda by clicking on the blue hyperlink that is above the "share your comments" section....feel free to leave a comment too but be sure to vote.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
It's funny...
It's funny how some of the things that grossed you out before you had kids now either make you happy or laugh so hard you cry. This is one of those laugh so hard you cry things for me :) Last night while I went to the gym Matt kept Randal and was trying to get a clip of her smiling. This is what he got.
Randal being her cute self after Daddy gave her a bottle.
This is the clip that made me laugh so hard I cried when I got home. All I have to say is "wait for it" and make sure you have the volume on.
So content with life :)
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I am sooooooooooooo out of shape. I went to my first post baby BodyPump class tonight. OMG it kicked my butt and I was doing 1/2 if not less than 1/2 of the weight I used before I got pregnant!!!! I knew I was out of shape but didnt know it was this bad. I guess that what 9 months of not working out will get you. Seriously when it got to the lunges section of the class I was barely going half way down. My legs were total jello as I was leaving and when I got to the car I honestly debated if it was a good idea that I drive as the muscle control involved in just working the gas and break pedals seemed to be too much. Isnt that just pitiful!!! Slowly but surely I will get back in shape and no matter how long it takes all I have to do is look at my sweet baby and I will know it was all worth it. Enough of my rant....have a great day :)
Daddy's new toy
Matt got a blackberry for work and he was playing with it the other night and got some video of Randal Jean. Nothing to interesting but there is a cute sneeze at the very beginning. Isn't she just the cutest!!!!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
From what I've been told my dad's mother (my granny) was super excited to have a granddaughter and from what I can tell she expressed this by making me beautiful clothes until her passing when I was around 5 years old. My mother kept all the outfits safe in a cedar chest so that I would have them for my daughter. Literally half of Randal's closet are my clothes that Granny made. She can only wear a few of the items now and there is actually some dispute over whether she or my great Aunt made the yellow and white dresses but either way I am sure my granny would be super proud that her great granddaughter gets to wear these clothes. 

And here is me wearing the some of the same outfits:

Daddy's girl?????
Everyone says that Randal looks like her daddy and I definitely don't disagree but I do think she is starting to look a little like me...or maybe I am just telling my self that. I wont even dispute that she looked just like her daddy's newborn pics when she was a newborn so I didn't even post a picture of myself but I posted a more recent pic of Randal and pictures of Matt and I when we were close to that age for comparison. Yes, she looks more like her daddy but maybe just maybe she looks a little like me.....
Randal as a newborn:
Matt as a newborn.....by the way he was a 10 pounder when he was born. Randal is 2 months old and she isn't even as big as her daddy was when he was born!!!
Me at 6 weeks:
Randal Jean at 9 weeks:
Matt at 10 weeks:
Randal as a newborn:

Randal Jean is so blessed to have such a large family of people that are totally in love with her....especially the grandparents and great grandparents. I am so happy and proud that we were able to provide our parents with a grandbaby while they are still young and can hopefully watch her grow to an adult. I feel that the bond between the first and third generation is a tremendous one. As a grandchild myself I loved my grandparents for all their spoiling when I was little but now that I am older and I know my grandparents for the wonderful and caring people they are I really appreciate them. I hope that by having young grandparents Randal will get to have them in her life for as long as I have had my grandparents in mine. On the flip side of that relationship, which I have obviously not experienced, I can only imagine a grandparent feels extreme pride when their own child welcomes another child in to this world. So who could even quantify the overwhelming feeling of having a great grandchild. Randal is so lucky to have 3 great grandmas and 1 great grandpa.
With her second cousins Georgia Rae and Houston:
With her Great Uncle George:
With her Great Aunt Peggy and Great Uncle Randy
With the Clark women (my grandmother and her sisters):
Four generations (Williams and Bork):
Four Generations of the Bork family:
Four generations (Dellinger, Till, and Bork):
And a rare picture of the three of us :)
With her second cousins Georgia Rae and Houston:

2 month stats
Randal Jean had her two month check up yesterday....even though it's a bit past her two month birthday. She had to get 3 shots and one oral vaccine. She actually did really well with the shots and it didn't hurt that we had a super speedy nurse that was able to administer all three shots within less than 15 secs total so by the time Randal realized what was going on it was over. Randal weighed in at 9.2 lbs (10-15th percentile) and 23.5in in length (90th percentile). She sure is a long and skinny lil baby and I LOVE it!!!!
Randal is starting to smile a lot more. We can get the most smiles out of her right after a feeding or during a diaper change. Her crooked smile just melts my heart. She is sleeping 8-10 hours at night and typically begins her day between 645 and 7. From that point on we are on a 3-4 hour cycle of eat, play, sleep except for at night where the last two feedings are much closer because I feed her, play with her, give her a bath, and then feed again before putting her down for the night. Since we implemented this pseudo-schedule she has been a much happier baby which makes for a happier mommy as well. During her play time she likes to lay on her play mat and make the hanging objects move, practice sitting in her bumbo, go on stroller rides, sit on the front porch and rock, read with mommy, and get in some "talking" time with mommy.
Smiley Girl:
Randal is starting to smile a lot more. We can get the most smiles out of her right after a feeding or during a diaper change. Her crooked smile just melts my heart. She is sleeping 8-10 hours at night and typically begins her day between 645 and 7. From that point on we are on a 3-4 hour cycle of eat, play, sleep except for at night where the last two feedings are much closer because I feed her, play with her, give her a bath, and then feed again before putting her down for the night. Since we implemented this pseudo-schedule she has been a much happier baby which makes for a happier mommy as well. During her play time she likes to lay on her play mat and make the hanging objects move, practice sitting in her bumbo, go on stroller rides, sit on the front porch and rock, read with mommy, and get in some "talking" time with mommy.
Smiley Girl:
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