Aside from the shock that she is changing so quickly I really love this age :) Her personality is starting to come out, she is staying awake longer in between naps (more play time!), babbling TONS, giggling every once in a while, sitting (in a tripod stance), interacting with the dogs (I think she likes Cobi the most right now), and overall she is an absolute delight.
As you could see from the post below we have started Randal on solid foods. She is doing really well. So far she has tried rice cereal, peas, sweet potato, green beans, and butternut squash. She likes everything, however, I usually have to mix the green beans with sweet potato to get her to eat them all. I am making her food using the Beaba Babycook that my mom and Matt's mom gave me at a shower and I love it! It steams and purees that food all at once leaving very little to clean up :)
Randal is down to three naps a day and they can range anywhere from 30 mins to 2 hours depending on if she gets to sleep in her crib or if she is sleeping on the go. She is eating every 4 hours getting solids with her first, second, and fourth bottle feeding. She is still nursing although I have had to supplement with 4 oz of formula a day. I hate this, but she doesn't seem to mind. The pediatrician said that around 6 months her liquid in take will most likely go down as she starts eating more solids so I hope I will eventually be able to get back to solely nursing but we'll see.
Speaking of the pediatrician you all probably want stats, right? Randal just had her 4 month appointment. She weighed in at 13.5 lbs (50th percentile) and 25.5 in long (90th percentile). Her height stayed close to the same percentile as it was at the 2 month appointment; however, she jumped from the 10-15 percentile to the 50th for weight! Seriously, she is growing like a weed!
Gosh, I love this child more and more everyday....Isn't my carrot top just the cutest!