Pebbles would like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween :)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Yo Gabba Gabba!
Go check out the photography blog for a look at Randal Jean's trip to the Yo Gabba Gabba concert last weekend.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Saturday Night Randomness
Tonight Randal Jean had a grand time playing hide-and-seek in "her" cabinet, wearing her fire helmet, and playing with her Daddy's shoes.
"Where is Randal?" Literally I went in the laundry room and came out and couldn't find her (note, we have gates that enclose the kitchen so I knew she had to be close). This is where I found her....and then I grabbed the camera.
Dressing up Cobi (aka Bubba)
In her fire hat :)

"Where is Randal?" Literally I went in the laundry room and came out and couldn't find her (note, we have gates that enclose the kitchen so I knew she had to be close). This is where I found her....and then I grabbed the camera.
Dressing up Cobi (aka Bubba)
In her fire hat :)
Playing with Daddy

Playing with Daddy's shoes

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Happenings, Random Thoughts, and Catch Up Photos
I'm still here!!!! I do plan to keep up with this blog, but the photo biz has been busy :) I am so so thankful for that. Now on to catching up:
Randal Jean
*20 months as of yesterday....HOLY COW!!!!
*At 18m check up (which was really close to 19m) she was at the top of the charts for height and weighed in at 25lbs (70th percentile)
*Talks ALL THE TIME but for the majority of the time she is the only one who knows what she is saying
*Has taken an interest in baby dolls
*Has no clue a baby will be here in January
*Loves preschool which she goes to Tues and Thurs mornings
*At preschool she prefers to chase the 3 year old boys around the play ground than play with the children her age. I hope this isn't foreshadowing the future...
*LOVES The Fresh Beats....still enjoys Yo Gabba Gabba particularly if you can watch YouTube clips on Nana's Ipad
*Speaking of Ipad she knows how to work it and I am convinced her knowledge of computers will surpass mine by the time she is 5
*Good eater....particularly enjoys raisins and carrots
*Does not like to drink milk. Its not that she makes bad faces or refuses the cup. She just doesn't drink it when provided to her. Lovely.
*Likes to "read" books to herself....the books are almost always upside down
*Is in dire need of moving to a big girl bed which we hope to do very soon. I have seen her trying to get out of the crib a few times on the video monitor and raced up stairs to get her.
*Likes to watch people
*Has gone back to refusing to sit in the booster seat
*Gives the best hugs favorite are right after bath time when she is cold she instantly latches on to me and squeezes as hard as she can. Its a great feeling so I don't mind being used as a towel.
*Says "awwww" when she gives hugs...its precious!
*Likes to brush her teeth and she is actually pretty good at it, but I think she just likes the way the toddler toothpaste tastes
*Ball of energy but still naps like a CHAMP!!! Thank you Lord! that I have typed this nap time will be miserable tomorrow
Baby Girl #2
*Her name is Tilley :)
*We have a very very very close (as in 99.9% sure) on a middle name so I will share that later
*Is at 26 weeks gestation and growing as she should, however, I feel twice the size as I was when I was this far along with Randal Jean.
*Has given me an easy pregnancy
Happenings and Random Thoughts
*Lots of friends have been/are getting married so hopefully that means our kids will have playmates one day....come on people!!! What are you waiting for?!?!
*Photography business is doing great!!!! I am so happy that people have taken interest in my business. It has been so nice to shoot for people that I have never met before that came via referrals from past clients. Such a huge compliment for someone to refer you to a friend :)
*It's fall so it's Matt's traveling time of year with work
*We are still in a lot of boxes from our move. Its embarrassing but true...
*Ordered Tilley's bedding yesterday, whooooo hoooooo!!! I am not making bedding this time around as it was almost enough to make me give up on sewing all together when I made Randal's so I am shipping fabric to a nice lady I found on Etsy and she is making it for me. Do you etsy? You should, but I warn you it is addictive.
*My favorite show (as in the only show I have time to keep up with), Parenthood, it fabulous. You should watch it. Totally unlike Friday Night Lights but that kind of human/family connection is present that made Friday Night Lights such a great show. Great show, however, it you do watch it it bothers me that Christina gave birth to a 3m old!!! I mean come on....could you be a bit more realistic.
*Parenting can be gross, smelly, scary and make you praise God that your child is okay all at once. For instance...tonight at the dinner table Randal climbed out of her chair (because remember she will not sit in a booster) and went under the table to take care of some business if you know what I mean. After smelling up the kitchen she climbs back in to her chair to finish dinner. Despite the smell I let it go since its bath time immediately after dinner anyways. Randal Jean then proceeds to choke!!! I clear her throat but she still can't breathe. I beat her on the back and she still can't breathe. I put my finger really far down her throat to try and clear her throat again followed by more beating on the back and finally the child and breathe. I hug her as tight as I possibly can and thank God she is fine then 2 seconds later she vomits all over me and herself. While gagging Matt is tasked with cleaning the kitchen floor because I am holding a screaming baby who is literally dripping vomit and so am I. I go upstairs to strip her down for a bath only to be reminded of the huge stinky mess that had come out the other end only moments prior.
*Anybody think those friends we want to have babies still think its a good idea after readying the above?
*I sewed Randal's Halloween costume last was nice to finally have the sewing machine back out. It had been almost a year since I sewed anything. Hopefully she does well on Halloween
Okay, can you tell I miss the personal blog? I really needed to journal. Do you feel caught up now?
Now on what you care!!!!
I don't think bubbles ever get old....just like swinging :)
Randal Jean
*20 months as of yesterday....HOLY COW!!!!
*At 18m check up (which was really close to 19m) she was at the top of the charts for height and weighed in at 25lbs (70th percentile)
*Talks ALL THE TIME but for the majority of the time she is the only one who knows what she is saying
*Has taken an interest in baby dolls
*Has no clue a baby will be here in January
*Loves preschool which she goes to Tues and Thurs mornings
*At preschool she prefers to chase the 3 year old boys around the play ground than play with the children her age. I hope this isn't foreshadowing the future...
*LOVES The Fresh Beats....still enjoys Yo Gabba Gabba particularly if you can watch YouTube clips on Nana's Ipad
*Speaking of Ipad she knows how to work it and I am convinced her knowledge of computers will surpass mine by the time she is 5
*Good eater....particularly enjoys raisins and carrots
*Does not like to drink milk. Its not that she makes bad faces or refuses the cup. She just doesn't drink it when provided to her. Lovely.
*Likes to "read" books to herself....the books are almost always upside down
*Is in dire need of moving to a big girl bed which we hope to do very soon. I have seen her trying to get out of the crib a few times on the video monitor and raced up stairs to get her.
*Likes to watch people
*Has gone back to refusing to sit in the booster seat
*Gives the best hugs favorite are right after bath time when she is cold she instantly latches on to me and squeezes as hard as she can. Its a great feeling so I don't mind being used as a towel.
*Says "awwww" when she gives hugs...its precious!
*Likes to brush her teeth and she is actually pretty good at it, but I think she just likes the way the toddler toothpaste tastes
*Ball of energy but still naps like a CHAMP!!! Thank you Lord! that I have typed this nap time will be miserable tomorrow
Baby Girl #2
*Her name is Tilley :)
*We have a very very very close (as in 99.9% sure) on a middle name so I will share that later
*Is at 26 weeks gestation and growing as she should, however, I feel twice the size as I was when I was this far along with Randal Jean.
*Has given me an easy pregnancy
Happenings and Random Thoughts
*Lots of friends have been/are getting married so hopefully that means our kids will have playmates one day....come on people!!! What are you waiting for?!?!
*Photography business is doing great!!!! I am so happy that people have taken interest in my business. It has been so nice to shoot for people that I have never met before that came via referrals from past clients. Such a huge compliment for someone to refer you to a friend :)
*It's fall so it's Matt's traveling time of year with work
*We are still in a lot of boxes from our move. Its embarrassing but true...
*Ordered Tilley's bedding yesterday, whooooo hoooooo!!! I am not making bedding this time around as it was almost enough to make me give up on sewing all together when I made Randal's so I am shipping fabric to a nice lady I found on Etsy and she is making it for me. Do you etsy? You should, but I warn you it is addictive.
*My favorite show (as in the only show I have time to keep up with), Parenthood, it fabulous. You should watch it. Totally unlike Friday Night Lights but that kind of human/family connection is present that made Friday Night Lights such a great show. Great show, however, it you do watch it it bothers me that Christina gave birth to a 3m old!!! I mean come on....could you be a bit more realistic.
*Parenting can be gross, smelly, scary and make you praise God that your child is okay all at once. For instance...tonight at the dinner table Randal climbed out of her chair (because remember she will not sit in a booster) and went under the table to take care of some business if you know what I mean. After smelling up the kitchen she climbs back in to her chair to finish dinner. Despite the smell I let it go since its bath time immediately after dinner anyways. Randal Jean then proceeds to choke!!! I clear her throat but she still can't breathe. I beat her on the back and she still can't breathe. I put my finger really far down her throat to try and clear her throat again followed by more beating on the back and finally the child and breathe. I hug her as tight as I possibly can and thank God she is fine then 2 seconds later she vomits all over me and herself. While gagging Matt is tasked with cleaning the kitchen floor because I am holding a screaming baby who is literally dripping vomit and so am I. I go upstairs to strip her down for a bath only to be reminded of the huge stinky mess that had come out the other end only moments prior.
*Anybody think those friends we want to have babies still think its a good idea after readying the above?
*I sewed Randal's Halloween costume last was nice to finally have the sewing machine back out. It had been almost a year since I sewed anything. Hopefully she does well on Halloween
Okay, can you tell I miss the personal blog? I really needed to journal. Do you feel caught up now?
Now on what you care!!!!
I don't think bubbles ever get old....just like swinging :)

First day of school....why is my baby old enough to be in preschool!!!!

Recent trip to Corolla for a friend's wedding....For late September it was still nice on the beach :)

A chocolatey snack on the beach

It'd be nice if Randal and Matt had a pic of them looking at the camera but I love these two :)
Some attempts at a family shot....not too bad. Thanks Dad!
Rehearsal dinner in Corolla...23 week belly!!!!

Eating birthday cheesecake for Nana's bday

Oh I love you Randal Jean :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Pumpkin Patch
It's October we have a kid so of course we went to the pumpkin patch :) Randal looked around and kept saying "ball ball ball!" Pumpkins are round so I guess that her closest reference point. I don't know if I've ever mentioned it on here but one of Randal's favorite things to do is test her strength by moving things around the house and or picking heavy things up. For this reason the pumpkin patch was a hit!!! She ran around picking up the heavy "balls" trying to help us in our selection process.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
Gettin' Down to Business
Randal Jean loves talking on our old cell phones :) She rambles on and on sometimes taking a pause to get really serious and let whoever she is speaking to know she means business....I wonder if this is how Matt and I look when we talk on the phone?
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