I have so many Christmas pictures to go through and share....and Thanksgiving pictures too come to think of it!!!
But for now please enjoy these two of Randal Jean wearing a night gown and dress than my granny made for me when I was a toddler. I think I actually wore the green dress when I was almost 3, but Randal is a pretty big almost 2 year old so I put it on her this year in case we don't get the chance when she is closer to 3.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Santa came!!!
For those who don't facebook I thought I would share this here too. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
I hope Santa was good to everyone. Randal Jean is enjoying her chef set and easel :)
I hope Santa was good to everyone. Randal Jean is enjoying her chef set and easel :)
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas everyone :)
It's early early Christmas morning here. Matt and I are winding down from Christmas Eve and looking forward to tomorrow (well later today really) and seeing our little girl's face light up when she sees all her gifts under the tree.
In preparation for Christmas this year I thought it would be a good idea for Randal to help decorate cookies. Ha! By no means was it a disaster but I learned quickly that a 22m old does not have the patience to decorate anything once icing and sprinkles are put in front of her. While decorating I looked over at her and she honest to goodness had tipped the bowl of sprinkles up to her mouth and was drinking them. Nice!
On Christmas Eve we went to the 5pm service at Port City Community Church. They don't offer child care during Christmas service so Randal Jean was with us. We actually made is through 60-70% of the service before she got to antsy and we had to walk out. I was pleased with that, but bummed that she chose the sermon/message as the time she wanted to leave. I really enjoying hearing the Christmas story, but hopefully next year we will have more luck. Also next year we will try an earlier service. It was jam packed at the 5pm service (the 3rd and final of the day) and we were left standing against the back wall.
After we got home from church and ate dinner we watched "The Search for Santa Paws" on Disney. Randal Jean sat and watched the entire movie!!!! I know the odds of anyone of our friends/family who follow this blog actually knowing this movie is rare...but lets suffice it to say there is a mean foster home lady in the movie that is really mean and banishes the foster girls to the basement when they are "bad." At one point in the movie the foster care lady sends the oldest foster child to the basement to sleep along with the dog (Santa Paws) she brought in. When this scene in the move went down Randal Jean poked out her bottom lip and started crying. Probably one of the cutest things to see her get upset over the little girl and puppy being banished to the basement. Also, pretty neat to see that she is starting to understand storylines.
Here are some pics of recent Christmas happenings around the Bork household.
Decorating cookies:
It's early early Christmas morning here. Matt and I are winding down from Christmas Eve and looking forward to tomorrow (well later today really) and seeing our little girl's face light up when she sees all her gifts under the tree.
In preparation for Christmas this year I thought it would be a good idea for Randal to help decorate cookies. Ha! By no means was it a disaster but I learned quickly that a 22m old does not have the patience to decorate anything once icing and sprinkles are put in front of her. While decorating I looked over at her and she honest to goodness had tipped the bowl of sprinkles up to her mouth and was drinking them. Nice!
On Christmas Eve we went to the 5pm service at Port City Community Church. They don't offer child care during Christmas service so Randal Jean was with us. We actually made is through 60-70% of the service before she got to antsy and we had to walk out. I was pleased with that, but bummed that she chose the sermon/message as the time she wanted to leave. I really enjoying hearing the Christmas story, but hopefully next year we will have more luck. Also next year we will try an earlier service. It was jam packed at the 5pm service (the 3rd and final of the day) and we were left standing against the back wall.
After we got home from church and ate dinner we watched "The Search for Santa Paws" on Disney. Randal Jean sat and watched the entire movie!!!! I know the odds of anyone of our friends/family who follow this blog actually knowing this movie is rare...but lets suffice it to say there is a mean foster home lady in the movie that is really mean and banishes the foster girls to the basement when they are "bad." At one point in the movie the foster care lady sends the oldest foster child to the basement to sleep along with the dog (Santa Paws) she brought in. When this scene in the move went down Randal Jean poked out her bottom lip and started crying. Probably one of the cutest things to see her get upset over the little girl and puppy being banished to the basement. Also, pretty neat to see that she is starting to understand storylines.
Here are some pics of recent Christmas happenings around the Bork household.
Decorating cookies:
Setting out cookies and milk for Santa:
Sleeping baby waiting for Santa (oh and yes that is my child in a big girl bed...more on that later!):
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Santa Success 2011!!!!
Saturday night I took Randal to Enchanted Airlie with some friends of ours and their 3 and almost 1 year old daughters. I had plans to take lots of pictures but lets just say Randal wasn't feeling the stroller as much as I hoped so I didn't get many but I did get the $$$$ shot of Randal snuggling up to Santa!!!!! When we got up to the front of the line Randal's friend Kaylie (who I should also mention was previously scared of Santa) went first. We told Kaylie she needed to show Randal how it was done. And boy did she :) I guess Randal took the hint from Kaylie and let me hand her over to Santa. She wouldn't smile even the slightest bit but it was so cute to see her holding on so tight to Santa. It really looked like she was ready to just take a nap in his arms :)
Since I didn't get many pictures of the gardens lit up I'll just tell you they are beautiful and the cost of admission is well worth getting to sit on Santa's lap and take a picture with your own camera :) And for the record this was hand's down the best Santa I have ever seen! He looked like he was straight out of a movie. And on top of his iconic look his interaction with the children was also the best I've seen.
Randal looking at Santa's village and the train
Miserable attempt to get one of Randal and her bff Kaylie
Snuggling up to Santa, love it!!!! Isn't that one "good looking" Santa?
Since I didn't get many pictures of the gardens lit up I'll just tell you they are beautiful and the cost of admission is well worth getting to sit on Santa's lap and take a picture with your own camera :) And for the record this was hand's down the best Santa I have ever seen! He looked like he was straight out of a movie. And on top of his iconic look his interaction with the children was also the best I've seen.
Randal looking at Santa's village and the train
Miserable attempt to get one of Randal and her bff Kaylie
Snuggling up to Santa, love it!!!! Isn't that one "good looking" Santa?
Friday, December 16, 2011
....and the "sporting goods store"
We have entered a stage with Randal where she is starting to repeat everything we say or at least the last word of everything we say. We try to monitor our language, however, sometimes even when your words aren't meant to be profane your child may pick up something you wish they hadn't.
Case in point....tonight I went to run errands after work so Matt took Randal with him to run a few also. When we were all back at the house Matt commented on how good Randal was so they were able to cross Target and Dick's off their list. Before we knew it Randal is saying the d-word three times in a row. Matt quickly re-phrased to "Target and the sporting goods store." We tried super hard not to die laughing...and we were actually successful. She didn't say it anymore after initially repeating Matt so fingers crossed that she hasn't added that to her vocabulary :)
Totally unrelated but here's two of Daddy and his errand running buddy :)
Case in point....tonight I went to run errands after work so Matt took Randal with him to run a few also. When we were all back at the house Matt commented on how good Randal was so they were able to cross Target and Dick's off their list. Before we knew it Randal is saying the d-word three times in a row. Matt quickly re-phrased to "Target and the sporting goods store." We tried super hard not to die laughing...and we were actually successful. She didn't say it anymore after initially repeating Matt so fingers crossed that she hasn't added that to her vocabulary :)
Totally unrelated but here's two of Daddy and his errand running buddy :)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Christmas Tree Hunt- Success!
I promised I'd move on to a "success" this week....so here we are :) On Saturday morning we set out to find a Christmas tree. The first lot we went too had nothing to offer but bad trees and high prices then we headed to the Kmart parking lot off College and found an awesome tree lot with great prices and really nice people running it. On top of that they had rows upon rows of trees and not just little trees but lots of BIG trees too!!!! Matt wanted a big tree this year and he got it....all 9ft :) I will say I was doubtful about getting such a large tree but it looks great in our living room and anything smaller wouldn't have looked as good.
On to some pictures of our Christmas tree hunt!
Rows and rows of trees....
On to some pictures of our Christmas tree hunt!
Rows and rows of trees....
Randal Jean running around the tree lot

Holding on to Daddy....or trying to at least!
The trees were so close together Randal loved getting lost in the trees....and she literally got lost once. The lady running the tree lot let out a pretty big chuckle when she heard me ask Matt, "where is our kid?!?!" No worries there was a fence around the entire lot and Randal Jean resurfaced soon.
I'm liking the "vintage" feel to this one
"This one Daddy!"
Thanks to the lady at the tree lot for snapping a shot of the 3 of us
And maybe not so much of a thanks for the multi colored candy cane that soon became a sticky mess all over my daughter's face :)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Christmas Card Attempt #1 = Fail!
On to another failure....I'll post about our SUCCESSFUL Christmas tree hunt later this week :)
This year I told myself we would NOT wait until the last minute to get our Christmas card photos so in October I had a friend volunteer to meet us early one morning to grab a family shot of all 3 of us. (Side note: Aren't all you Uncles glad we recruited someone else this year?!?!) Anyways, the group shot of us turned of great and that is usually what keeps me trying time after time to get Christmas card photos. The problem this morning was Randal Jean was not having it when it came to getting her picture by herself or with her daddy. Ugh!
I then decided I would just have to dress us up the same another time and get photos of just Randal and Randal with Matt but we couldn't do that as we somehow managed to lose one boot and the hair bow from the photos. I KNOW they made it back in the suburban with us but they are currently no where to be found! This was such a bummer because my friend got this great photo of the 3 of us and now we couldn't use it on the card, but I will share some it here. I have also made it the blog header so her early morning efforts don't go to waste.
Since most of your who read this blog are family or close friends you know we did succeed in getting our Christmas cards out at a decent time this year....SUCCESS!!!!
These are the good ones of the 3 of us and a couple other that turned out okay:
And now on to the reason this group of photos did not end up on the Christmas card...
This year I told myself we would NOT wait until the last minute to get our Christmas card photos so in October I had a friend volunteer to meet us early one morning to grab a family shot of all 3 of us. (Side note: Aren't all you Uncles glad we recruited someone else this year?!?!) Anyways, the group shot of us turned of great and that is usually what keeps me trying time after time to get Christmas card photos. The problem this morning was Randal Jean was not having it when it came to getting her picture by herself or with her daddy. Ugh!
I then decided I would just have to dress us up the same another time and get photos of just Randal and Randal with Matt but we couldn't do that as we somehow managed to lose one boot and the hair bow from the photos. I KNOW they made it back in the suburban with us but they are currently no where to be found! This was such a bummer because my friend got this great photo of the 3 of us and now we couldn't use it on the card, but I will share some it here. I have also made it the blog header so her early morning efforts don't go to waste.
Since most of your who read this blog are family or close friends you know we did succeed in getting our Christmas cards out at a decent time this year....SUCCESS!!!!
These are the good ones of the 3 of us and a couple other that turned out okay:
And now on to the reason this group of photos did not end up on the Christmas card...
Monday, December 12, 2011
Santa Fail 2011
This year I was so excited about taking Randal Jean to meet Santa that I made a big to do about it and booked us for the "Dinner with Santa" at Mike's Farm. The trip is just over an hour (one way) but I figured a nice meal of country cooking, dinner with Saint Nick himself, and a hayride with light exhibit would be worth it...so I figured, ha!
First things first....they do a great job at Mike Farm. Our less than stellar experience had everything to do with a toddler entering the terrible twos not the location.
So the evening of the big dinner I come home from work and Randal is still napping...not good! The child HATES to get up from her nap early. Even worse I woke her up and made her change clothes (life for a toddler is hard when changing clothes is considered tragic!). So before we even pulled out of the driveway I had a sleepy and upset toddler who essentially went straight from the crib to her car seat. Good news...we drove the suburban so we had Yo Gabba Gabba playing the whole trip and she seemed happy. Now I'm thinking..."this might turn out alright."
Once we get to Mike's Farm we go straight to the banquet hall for dinner and put Randal in the highchair. Just to recap the sequence here (crib to car seat to highchair....little play/walking in between). The changes from one restraint system to another were not making Randal happy. She squirmed and squirmed in her highchair. Matt and I did everything we could to make her happy but it wasn't happening. Then they brought out cups of juice with straws. "Oh, a saving grace" I thought. (Randal loves getting to drink from a straw and drinking Sprite from a big girl cup is typically just the distraction I need to get through a trip to Target). With a big girl cup of juice in her hand I thought we were home free. Nope! She drank the juice in 15 seconds (no lie!). I got her more but she was no longer fascinated by her big girl cup. Matt and I try to distract her some more. All the while Matt (who I should mention is not hearing well (or really at all) out of one ear due to surgery) is complaining about all the noise and the fact that our toddler is on the verge of a major meltdown. Um, not my idea of fun either but were parents to an almost 2-year old...this happens!
Then Santa enters. YAY!...I just knew this would help turn things around. Wrong. After Randal's initial amazement with Santa she started to squirm even more to the point where we had to get her out of her highchair. Then she wants to run up to Santa. I wont let her because its not time to meet Santa yet and there is currently someone at the front of the banquet hall explaining how the evening will work. A full on toddler tantrum ensues. As in my child is lying on the floor crying because I wont let her run around (while all of the other children are sitting nicely) and go meet Santa. Matt looks at me like I should know what to do here and gives me the "shut her up this is embarrassing look." Agreed, it was embarrassing but reasoning with a toddler is not possible. They do not understand. Anyways, I pick her off the floor and try to just hold her. The tables are finally dismissed to go to the buffet so it is no longer all eyes on the one tantruming child (I do not like being THAT parent!).
Randal continues to whine and tantrum. We get dinner and stuff it in our faces because remember we have a very unhappy toddler on our hands. Then we go stand in line to see Santa. Could this be it...finally something that will make my child happy. Nope!!! For being so anxious to see Santa Randal latched on to me and would not let go or even look at Santa.
After the failed attempt to sit on Santa's lap I took Randal back to the car to get blankets for the hayride. Being outside actually did seem to make her happy despite the chilly temperatures and wind. I don't even think I allowed myself to think the hayride would go well at this point. But SURPRISE she loved the hayride and lights!!!! At least the night ended on an up beat note!
Even though the night was 80% total disaster we will actually probably make the trip again next year just not do the special "Dinner With Santa" event. We will most likely go at a time that is more convenient for the babes (plural by then!!!!) and eat and go on the hayride.
Below are some pictures from our evening at Mike's Farm. They are horrible as we were in very dark settings and I didn't have a flash but I felt the need to document the evening anyways.
With her big girl cup
A few seconds of quiet amazement as Santa walks in...sorry no pictures of the tantrum, ha!
Attempt to get her on to Santa's lap....failed
Mommy on Santa's lap with a very large baby belly poking out, ha!
First things first....they do a great job at Mike Farm. Our less than stellar experience had everything to do with a toddler entering the terrible twos not the location.
So the evening of the big dinner I come home from work and Randal is still napping...not good! The child HATES to get up from her nap early. Even worse I woke her up and made her change clothes (life for a toddler is hard when changing clothes is considered tragic!). So before we even pulled out of the driveway I had a sleepy and upset toddler who essentially went straight from the crib to her car seat. Good news...we drove the suburban so we had Yo Gabba Gabba playing the whole trip and she seemed happy. Now I'm thinking..."this might turn out alright."
Once we get to Mike's Farm we go straight to the banquet hall for dinner and put Randal in the highchair. Just to recap the sequence here (crib to car seat to highchair....little play/walking in between). The changes from one restraint system to another were not making Randal happy. She squirmed and squirmed in her highchair. Matt and I did everything we could to make her happy but it wasn't happening. Then they brought out cups of juice with straws. "Oh, a saving grace" I thought. (Randal loves getting to drink from a straw and drinking Sprite from a big girl cup is typically just the distraction I need to get through a trip to Target). With a big girl cup of juice in her hand I thought we were home free. Nope! She drank the juice in 15 seconds (no lie!). I got her more but she was no longer fascinated by her big girl cup. Matt and I try to distract her some more. All the while Matt (who I should mention is not hearing well (or really at all) out of one ear due to surgery) is complaining about all the noise and the fact that our toddler is on the verge of a major meltdown. Um, not my idea of fun either but were parents to an almost 2-year old...this happens!
Then Santa enters. YAY!...I just knew this would help turn things around. Wrong. After Randal's initial amazement with Santa she started to squirm even more to the point where we had to get her out of her highchair. Then she wants to run up to Santa. I wont let her because its not time to meet Santa yet and there is currently someone at the front of the banquet hall explaining how the evening will work. A full on toddler tantrum ensues. As in my child is lying on the floor crying because I wont let her run around (while all of the other children are sitting nicely) and go meet Santa. Matt looks at me like I should know what to do here and gives me the "shut her up this is embarrassing look." Agreed, it was embarrassing but reasoning with a toddler is not possible. They do not understand. Anyways, I pick her off the floor and try to just hold her. The tables are finally dismissed to go to the buffet so it is no longer all eyes on the one tantruming child (I do not like being THAT parent!).
Randal continues to whine and tantrum. We get dinner and stuff it in our faces because remember we have a very unhappy toddler on our hands. Then we go stand in line to see Santa. Could this be it...finally something that will make my child happy. Nope!!! For being so anxious to see Santa Randal latched on to me and would not let go or even look at Santa.
After the failed attempt to sit on Santa's lap I took Randal back to the car to get blankets for the hayride. Being outside actually did seem to make her happy despite the chilly temperatures and wind. I don't even think I allowed myself to think the hayride would go well at this point. But SURPRISE she loved the hayride and lights!!!! At least the night ended on an up beat note!
Even though the night was 80% total disaster we will actually probably make the trip again next year just not do the special "Dinner With Santa" event. We will most likely go at a time that is more convenient for the babes (plural by then!!!!) and eat and go on the hayride.
Below are some pictures from our evening at Mike's Farm. They are horrible as we were in very dark settings and I didn't have a flash but I felt the need to document the evening anyways.
With her big girl cup
A few seconds of quiet amazement as Santa walks in...sorry no pictures of the tantrum, ha!
Attempt to get her on to Santa's lap....failed
Mommy on Santa's lap with a very large baby belly poking out, ha!
Lollipop from Mrs. Claus...it pacified her for 5 mins :)
On the hayride :)
Some of the lights
Sunday, December 11, 2011
You asked for it...
Sorry for the long absence. Everything is well at the Bork household just extremely busy!!!!
Matt has been harassing me for at least 2 weeks now to update the blog, but believe me it has been on the to do list for much longer than that. However, for all of you that have been telling Matt to harass me about updating the blog please feel free to remind him he knows the password and how to perform basic edits on photos :) Needed to throw that out there because him nagging me about updating the blog was getting old since he could do it.
So as a little bit of pay back for him harassing me and not just taking care of the blog himself I must post the below pictures of Randal Jean dressed up to cheer on Clemson. GO TIGERS!!!!
In our house we (or really I and therefore Randal too) cheer for two teams. Wake and Clemson. Problem is they are both in the ACC, but I was raised to pull for the Tigers so I just can't jump ship and stop pulling for them now that I am married to a Deacon fan so alas I have two teams I cheer for. It works out most of the time until they play each and then I typically don't care who wins but may pull a bit more for the team who I think it would mean more for in that particular season.
The cheerleader outfit below was actually mine when I was little. It is a size 2, however, was WAY short...as in much closer to a shirt than a dress. I must have worn it when I was younger than Randal or I was just that much smaller than her. Oh well, I got pictures of her from the waist up so all is well :)
PS- Dear Husband of mine if you would like your daughter to rock some black and gold....buy her some Wake gear or Randal might only learn to cheer for the purple and orange!!!!
Matt has been harassing me for at least 2 weeks now to update the blog, but believe me it has been on the to do list for much longer than that. However, for all of you that have been telling Matt to harass me about updating the blog please feel free to remind him he knows the password and how to perform basic edits on photos :) Needed to throw that out there because him nagging me about updating the blog was getting old since he could do it.
So as a little bit of pay back for him harassing me and not just taking care of the blog himself I must post the below pictures of Randal Jean dressed up to cheer on Clemson. GO TIGERS!!!!
In our house we (or really I and therefore Randal too) cheer for two teams. Wake and Clemson. Problem is they are both in the ACC, but I was raised to pull for the Tigers so I just can't jump ship and stop pulling for them now that I am married to a Deacon fan so alas I have two teams I cheer for. It works out most of the time until they play each and then I typically don't care who wins but may pull a bit more for the team who I think it would mean more for in that particular season.
The cheerleader outfit below was actually mine when I was little. It is a size 2, however, was WAY short...as in much closer to a shirt than a dress. I must have worn it when I was younger than Randal or I was just that much smaller than her. Oh well, I got pictures of her from the waist up so all is well :)
PS- Dear Husband of mine if you would like your daughter to rock some black and gold....buy her some Wake gear or Randal might only learn to cheer for the purple and orange!!!!
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