Friday, February 24, 2012
Randal Jean is 2!!!
Oh my goodness I can't believe it. My baby is 2!!!!! Time has absolutely flown by
At 2 Randal Jean is in to everything!!! She is so loving and even more loveable. I seriously just can't hug and kiss on that sweet girl enough. Being her mother brings me so much joy...I thank God everyday for bringing this beautiful little girl in to my life.
And because I need to capture these types of things somewhere since I don't keep a journal here are somethings I want to remember about Randal at 2:
*She loves to read. Is she actually reading. No. Remember, she is 2! But she loves to pretend read. I haven't read her a goodnight story in a solid week as she has been reading to me.
*She is an absolute ham until you get a camera out....I think she has caught on to me.
*Pretty much skipped the 2T size clothing and went to 3T. Although she is not the oldest she is the biggest (or really just tallest) kid in her class.
*When she likes or dislikes something she says "I like it." You have to listen for the tone in her voice to figure out if she really does or doesn't like it.
*When she wants to be held she says "I hold you" instead of "hold me."
*Still has a paci...
*Says "I do it" ALOT!....Miss Independent for sure!
*Loves coloring and painting.....especially painting.
*Likes to watch movies...and will get on a kick of one movie and want to watch it over and over and over... Her first movie obsession was Beauty and the Beast
*Very good with her shapes and colors...gets bit confused with pink and purple but otherwise she gets her colors and shapes right the majority of the time.
*Knows a couple letters....A & O seem to be the ones she can pick out.
*Likes to listen to nursery rhymes. She has a book of them and will go through it nursery rhyme by nursery rhyme and ask you to sing to her.
*Likes to chase after and pop bubbles.
*Like to climb...shaping up to a be a bit of a daredevil
*Might be obsessed with M&Ms (or em-ay's as she pronounces them).
*Loves trail mix!
....I know there is more to share/remember but I need to get back to the girls so I may add more to this later for my own memory's sake!
At 2 Randal Jean is in to everything!!! She is so loving and even more loveable. I seriously just can't hug and kiss on that sweet girl enough. Being her mother brings me so much joy...I thank God everyday for bringing this beautiful little girl in to my life.
And because I need to capture these types of things somewhere since I don't keep a journal here are somethings I want to remember about Randal at 2:
*She loves to read. Is she actually reading. No. Remember, she is 2! But she loves to pretend read. I haven't read her a goodnight story in a solid week as she has been reading to me.
*She is an absolute ham until you get a camera out....I think she has caught on to me.
*Pretty much skipped the 2T size clothing and went to 3T. Although she is not the oldest she is the biggest (or really just tallest) kid in her class.
*When she likes or dislikes something she says "I like it." You have to listen for the tone in her voice to figure out if she really does or doesn't like it.
*When she wants to be held she says "I hold you" instead of "hold me."
*Still has a paci...
*Says "I do it" ALOT!....Miss Independent for sure!
*Loves coloring and painting.....especially painting.
*Likes to watch movies...and will get on a kick of one movie and want to watch it over and over and over... Her first movie obsession was Beauty and the Beast
*Very good with her shapes and colors...gets bit confused with pink and purple but otherwise she gets her colors and shapes right the majority of the time.
*Knows a couple letters....A & O seem to be the ones she can pick out.
*Likes to listen to nursery rhymes. She has a book of them and will go through it nursery rhyme by nursery rhyme and ask you to sing to her.
*Likes to chase after and pop bubbles.
*Like to climb...shaping up to a be a bit of a daredevil
*Might be obsessed with M&Ms (or em-ay's as she pronounces them).
*Loves trail mix!
....I know there is more to share/remember but I need to get back to the girls so I may add more to this later for my own memory's sake!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Sums it up!
These two pics I snapped of the girls while we were playing outside the other day pretty much sums up the girls. Tilley is our little sleeper and Randal Jean is in to everything...hence my sunglasses that she stole!
1 month!
Miss Tilley turned 1 month yesterday!!! I can't believe how fast she is growing.
Here is a run down of what's been going on with Tilley Grey:
*She sleeps almost all day :)
*Was 7lbs 10oz and 21in at her 2 week check up. We don't go back until she is 2 which time I will be taking Randal Jean in for her 2 year check during the same appointment...please begin praying for me now. Two kids getting shots is going to be tough.
*She is such a cuddly baby and prefers being held to the bassinet, swing etc. (This is in contrast to Randal Jean who loved to be held but would take 6 hr naps in the swing).
*Wakes up twice at night. Typically in the 2 and 5 o'clock hours but only stays awake long enough to nurse (25 mins or so).
*Grew out of newborn clothes at 2 weeks....the 0-3m clothes are so big on her but she was just too long for her newborn clothes anymore.
*Nurses like a champ! She is much quicker to nurse than Randal was which I am very thankful for since I have Randal to chase after.
*Went to her first movie over this past weekend...Safe House. She slept through the whole thing and didn't make a single peep! For the record Randal was at home with Grandma...only newbies get to come along for the adult movies.
*Loves the Baby Bjorn...again something in contrast with Randal. Randal didn't like the Baby Bjorn until she could face out while I wore it.
So here is our cutie pie :)
Here is a run down of what's been going on with Tilley Grey:
*She sleeps almost all day :)
*Was 7lbs 10oz and 21in at her 2 week check up. We don't go back until she is 2 which time I will be taking Randal Jean in for her 2 year check during the same appointment...please begin praying for me now. Two kids getting shots is going to be tough.
*She is such a cuddly baby and prefers being held to the bassinet, swing etc. (This is in contrast to Randal Jean who loved to be held but would take 6 hr naps in the swing).
*Wakes up twice at night. Typically in the 2 and 5 o'clock hours but only stays awake long enough to nurse (25 mins or so).
*Grew out of newborn clothes at 2 weeks....the 0-3m clothes are so big on her but she was just too long for her newborn clothes anymore.
*Nurses like a champ! She is much quicker to nurse than Randal was which I am very thankful for since I have Randal to chase after.
*Went to her first movie over this past weekend...Safe House. She slept through the whole thing and didn't make a single peep! For the record Randal was at home with Grandma...only newbies get to come along for the adult movies.
*Loves the Baby Bjorn...again something in contrast with Randal. Randal didn't like the Baby Bjorn until she could face out while I wore it.
So here is our cutie pie :)
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
What's Going On
So what have we been up to?
Playing with a (beautiful) mess of a toddler :)
Getting love from Nana
Watching this precious baby sleep 80% of the day :)
Playing with a (beautiful) mess of a toddler :)
Getting love from Nana
Watching this precious baby sleep 80% of the day :)
And loving of these two cuties all day long!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012
A Rare Sight
If there is one thing that Tilley loves it is sleeping!!! And I am totally not complaining! But catching the child with her eyes open is a rare sight around here.
And about 5 mins later.....
And about 5 mins later.....
Frozen Yogurt With Our First Born
That first week home with Tilley I was so concerned with Randal Jean getting jealous so we made it a point to get out one evening without Tilley so Randal Jean could get us all to herself. For Randal's 1:1 with us we took her for a frozen yogurt treat.
Also, it should be mentioned my concerns about Randal being jealous never became a reality :) Randal Jean loves her baby sister so much :)
Also, it should be mentioned my concerns about Randal being jealous never became a reality :) Randal Jean loves her baby sister so much :)
First Bath!
Long time no post...I know! But I have been spending so much time cuddling with sweet Tilley that the blog has fallen to the way side a bit. Tilley has been such a great baby thus far...dare I say even easier than Randal was (okay...hopefully I didn't just jinx myself). I am trying to spend as much time as possible these first few weeks just in awe of her tininess (sp? a word?). I remember distinctly sitting on the bathroom floor after bathtime with Randal Jean when she was only 6 weeks old telling Matt how sad it is that even with the # of children we want to have the total time of our lives that we will get to love on a tiny newborn baby is so very brief. So with that being said I do spend a lot of time right now just in awe of Tilley and how incredibly small, innocent, and sweet she is.
Now on to what you These are from Tilley's first bath once we got home from the hospital. As you will see Randal Jean needed to observe/help.
Now on to what you These are from Tilley's first bath once we got home from the hospital. As you will see Randal Jean needed to observe/help.
So fresh and clean :)
Randal Jean wanted to brush her hair with the soapy water just like I did to Tilley....
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