Two weekends ago my parents came to visit and we took the girls downtown to the Riverfront market on Saturday to stroll around. It was nice to just walk around while mom had Randal and dad pushed the stroller :) Randal Jean has become obsessed with water (ocean, rivers, lakes, you name it) so as soon as she saw the river she wanted to just stand and watch, therefore, I was extremely grateful that mom was there to hang back with her while dad and I walked the market with Tilley.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
Wash Away the Cold
Earlier this week when it was chilly and windy outside I didn't want to take the girls out as Randal Jean seemed to have a bit of a cold anyways so I opted to wash away the cold and let Randal Jean take an extra long bath in the day time instead of just before bed.
Tilley hung out on her play mat during bath time :)
Tilley hung out on her play mat during bath time :)
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Randal Jean & the Bears
Randal Jean loves Bubba and Tessa bear so much!

Don't tell Tessa but Bubba (aka Cobi) may just be her favorite and I think the feeling is mutual :)
April 24th???
It was down right chilly here the first part of the week especially in the mornings. I had to put toboggans on the girls Tuesday just to get Randal Jean to school. Crazy!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sissy time!
Randal Jean just had to crawl up on the couch with Tilley the other day for some sissy time! She's kind of obsessed with her little sister and I love it :)
The Life
Randal Jean has the life...getting pushed by someone else on the swing with cold drink and snack in hand!
As I was cleaning up the other evening I found Randal Jean's clever hiding spot for my keys...
With her golf clubs...definitely where I would have thought to look, ha!
With her golf clubs...definitely where I would have thought to look, ha!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Playing Outside
As I've mentioned previously I try to get the girls outside as much as possible but geez it is hard taking two outside to play especially when the little one can't get any sun (sunscreen isn't allowed until 6m) and she can't sit up. Seriously to take the two outside its a few trips in and out of the house to get a blanket, a bouncy, an extra blanket or two, and then go back in one final time to get Randal Jean so I can help her get down the stairs. Oh and I should mention little baby in arms the whole time while setting everything up! Before we even start playing I can get exhausted, ha! Oh well, its all worth it in the end :)
Here are two quick ones from playing in the back yard the other day.
What is up with ALL children being so fascinated with climbing up slides the wrong way?!?!
Here are two quick ones from playing in the back yard the other day.
What is up with ALL children being so fascinated with climbing up slides the wrong way?!?!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Tilley Grey- 3 months!
Tilley Grey is 3 months old today!!! I can't believe it! Time flies even faster with the second one. Even though I feel like she just arrived I feel like she has been a part of our family forever. She fits so easily and is loved beyond measure by all of our family and friends.
At 3 months Tilley is starting to stay awake more during the day and loves to play on her play mat or sit in the bumbo seat. Although she loved tummy time when she was a itsy bitsy newborn she doesn't like it as much any more but I still try to lay her down on her tummy at least once a day. She nurses about every 3 hours during the day and wakes up once at night to feed and goes right back to bed. Matt and I still have her in our room in a pack-n-play. Randal Jean was in her crib much much earlier than this, but with Tilley's room being upstairs and next to Randal's room it's just easier for her to be in our room when she wakes up to nurse. Hopefully she will start sleeping through the night soon and we can move her up to her own bed. Tilley is definitely a mama's girl so far. She certainly prefers that I be the one holding her over anyone else. She still hates the car...ugh! I was so spoiled with Randal Jean loving the car. She LOVES to be swaddled while sleeping or if she ever get over stimulated and just needs to settle down typically a good swaddle will do the trick.
Above all else she is happy and healthy and we just can't get enough of her!!!
At 3 months Tilley is starting to stay awake more during the day and loves to play on her play mat or sit in the bumbo seat. Although she loved tummy time when she was a itsy bitsy newborn she doesn't like it as much any more but I still try to lay her down on her tummy at least once a day. She nurses about every 3 hours during the day and wakes up once at night to feed and goes right back to bed. Matt and I still have her in our room in a pack-n-play. Randal Jean was in her crib much much earlier than this, but with Tilley's room being upstairs and next to Randal's room it's just easier for her to be in our room when she wakes up to nurse. Hopefully she will start sleeping through the night soon and we can move her up to her own bed. Tilley is definitely a mama's girl so far. She certainly prefers that I be the one holding her over anyone else. She still hates the car...ugh! I was so spoiled with Randal Jean loving the car. She LOVES to be swaddled while sleeping or if she ever get over stimulated and just needs to settle down typically a good swaddle will do the trick.
Above all else she is happy and healthy and we just can't get enough of her!!!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Yum Yum!
Tilley has started to chew on her fists. She still loves her paci, but will chew on her hands when she is awake and "playing."
Play-doh bracelets
Matt dressed Randal Jean up in play-doh bracelets last night. They were so heavy by the time he was done she could barely lift her arms.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Busy Weekend!
We had a crazy busy weekend!!! There was so much to do in and around town plus the weather was gorgeous...I think we were all worn out by Sunday night!
We started off Saturday afternoon at the Carolina Beach chowder cook-off. I feel bad I took so many pictures at the cook off but only 2 of Tilley, but honestly they would have all been of her in the stroller just like these so I'm trying to let up on myself when the Randal to Tilley picture ratio is WAY off!
There was a live band at the cook-off. Randal Jean was dancing on the side lines but I told her she could go dance with the other girls and she took off without looking back. It was so sweet to see the other girls welcome them in to their circle (literally).
She had so much fun breaking it down!
Saturday night my friend Casey and I took our big girls to the circus. Matt stayed home with Tilley...she slept the whole time (thank you Lord!) Also feel free to ignore all that is horrendous about the picture quality of these pictures...night time circus lighting is awful and no flash allowed!
Within 10 minutes of getting home she passed out on the couch still in her bathing suit. I woke her up as soon as I noticed she fell asleep, got some dinner in her, and put her to bed at 645!!! She slept for 13 hours that night :)
We started off Saturday afternoon at the Carolina Beach chowder cook-off. I feel bad I took so many pictures at the cook off but only 2 of Tilley, but honestly they would have all been of her in the stroller just like these so I'm trying to let up on myself when the Randal to Tilley picture ratio is WAY off!
There was a live band at the cook-off. Randal Jean was dancing on the side lines but I told her she could go dance with the other girls and she took off without looking back. It was so sweet to see the other girls welcome them in to their circle (literally).
She had so much fun breaking it down!

After the dancing she went and got her face painted. I was so surprised she sat still for that!

Proud of that fish on her face :)
Playing on the playground after face busy!
She jumped in the Carolina Beach fire truck
Had to get one picture with my girl before we got back in the carSaturday night my friend Casey and I took our big girls to the circus. Matt stayed home with Tilley...she slept the whole time (thank you Lord!) Also feel free to ignore all that is horrendous about the picture quality of these pictures...night time circus lighting is awful and no flash allowed!
Before the show started Randal Jean got to ride a pony ($5 will get you a 30 second ride on a pony at the circus, no lie!)
Attempt at a pic of the two of us!
Circus performer who clearly did not have a fear of heights
She did so good at the circus this year :)
Eating her icy treat. Circus food is almost as bad as movie food (almost). The icy was $4, popcorn $5, and water $4. I didn't understand how the icy was cheaper than the popcorn considering you at least got a cup to take home with the icy but oh well...
Sunday morning we started off at the Azalea festival. Just a few shots of us as a family and some with Auntie Carlie!
Sunday afternoon was spent on the water. It was our first time on the water as a family this year :)
Tilley had to be held most of the time due to the wind but she did let me put her in her carrier and get a picture of her real quick!
Randal Jean soaking up the sun!
She wasn't so sure about her life jacket....too bad kiddo it's staying on!
Beautiful day!
Although it was a very very warm day the wind on the water made it a bit chilly on our way back in. "I cold mommy, I cold!"
Then she tried to take a nap...seriously! We skipped her nap that day so she was very tired.Within 10 minutes of getting home she passed out on the couch still in her bathing suit. I woke her up as soon as I noticed she fell asleep, got some dinner in her, and put her to bed at 645!!! She slept for 13 hours that night :)
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Tilley Grey on camera
I wanted to get Tilley smiling and giggling on camera but she did want to perform for the camera today....still a cutie though!
Monday, April 16, 2012
We have been horrible about taking video of the girls and there really is no excuse considering we have a nice video camera AND my camera can take video. I took this video of Randal today just to test if I could figure out the video part on my camera. Nothing too exciting but I thought I would share.
The little dog in the video was a birthday present from one of her uncles. When you push it it begins to laugh and roll over. She was afraid to push it over on her own so she used my shoe!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Easter 2012
We started off Easter morning at our house then headed to Calabash to spend the day with Matt's family. Lots of pics were taken :) Enjoy!
Randal Jean loved her Easter basket and took everything out one by one and lined it up on the sidewalk
Randal Jean thought Tessa needed some Easter cheer...
We take sweet moments when we can...loving the dishwasher in the background, ha!
Easter basket #2 of the day (total of 3 including one from my parents the week is rough when your a grandkid!). She also lined up her presents here too until she found the chocolate upon which she made a b-line to her grandpa to help her break it open. Randal's friend McKenzie also helped her go through her basket.
Playing with the big kids...McKenzie and Carson
My little bunnies!
On the tractor with Grandpa
Hangin' with her Daddy
Keeping cool in the garage
On the bike with Daddy
Randal Jean LOVES Rudy
Lots of group shots!
Randal Jean loved her Easter basket and took everything out one by one and lined it up on the sidewalk
Randal Jean thought Tessa needed some Easter cheer...
We take sweet moments when we can...loving the dishwasher in the background, ha!
Easter basket #2 of the day (total of 3 including one from my parents the week is rough when your a grandkid!). She also lined up her presents here too until she found the chocolate upon which she made a b-line to her grandpa to help her break it open. Randal's friend McKenzie also helped her go through her basket.

Easter egg hunt!

McKenzie and Randal Jean going through the eggs they found

My little bunnies!
On the tractor with Grandpa
Hangin' with her Daddy
Keeping cool in the garage
On the bike with Daddy
Randal Jean LOVES Rudy
Lots of group shots!
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