Happy First Daddy Day Matt :)
I have always known that Matt was great with kids and since the very beginning of our relationship we knew that becoming parents was something very important to us. Before we had Randal I always loved watching Matt interact with the kids I babysat or my little cousins. Kids are just drawn to him and he eats it up. From previous observations I knew he would be good with Randal but at the same time I sometimes thought...what will Matt Bork do with a daughter??? Its no secret the Bork family is a boys club so he really hasn't had much experience with little girls. Although his upbringing was completely void of pink, purple, and polka dots Matt is totally in to having a daughter. To illustrate my point let me share a conversation Matt and I had the other weekend while preparing to go to a friends wedding. To set the stage...Randal was wearing a pink dress with a white headband.
Matt: Why is she wearing a white headband?
Me: It was the closest...
Matt: Don't you think she should be wearing the pink headband?
Me: Sure, its in the diaper bag. Go get it.
Matt gets the headband and takes it over to Randal Jean
Matt: Nope, not the right pink. Lets stay with the white headband
Me: White it is Daddy :)
I'm sure Matt thought nothing of this exchange but I thought it perfectly illustrated just how much he dotes on his little girl.
If any of you have been lucky enough to witness Matt interact with Randal Jean you will agree he acts like an "old pro"....carrying her like a football, changing dirty diapers (cloth no less) without hesitation, and doing what ever it takes to make his little girl happy.
I could really go on and on about how great of a father Matt is but all my gushing would probably get redundant so lets just say Randal Jean is the luckiest girl in the world to have such a great daddy.
Here are some recent pics of Randal with her daddy:

I would also like to say Happy Father's Day to my daddy and my Father in Law :)
Dad- You're the best!!! I have been so lucky to have a daddy like you and Randal Jean is so lucky to have a granddad like you. I love watching you interact with her and it makes me even that much more appreciative that I am able to call you daddy. My culinary skills, palate, and taste in music would be nothing with out you :)
Randy B- Thanks for everything you taught Matt about being a husband and father. I think you have been far more of an example to him than he will ever let on and I thank you for that.
Matt, You did not have something in your eye because I'm crying, too! Happy Father's Day! Randal is a lucky little girl to call you her daddy. You're a natural! Love you all.
ReplyDeleteMatt, I'm very proud to call you my son!!....even though the Bork family is a "boy's club", you are a natural with the girls and I know that Randal is definitely a daddy's girl. You definitely have your dad's emotional side, so I know you're all choked up. Katie....this is a wonderful tribute to a wonderful dad! Happy Father's Day!! I love you all!