I started editing Tilley's newborn session tonight and I had to start with this one :) I'm sure dad, grandpas, and uncles will like :)
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Setting Up!
I set up for Tilley's newborn photos today and took this quick shot....can't wait to do the full session tomorrow!!!!
It has been unseasonably warm this entire winter and this week has been no exception. But who am I to complain :) It has been warm enough to sit in the rocking chair on the front porch to give Tilley some fresh air :)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Dumplings and Rain boots :)
I still have lots of photos from before Tilley's arrival to share so the blog will be out of order with older pictures or Randal Jean and newer ones of Tilley for a while....but you guys aren't ones to complain as long as I am posting, right?
A couple weeks ago I made dumplings for chicken & dumplings. I let Randal help me put the dumplings on the freezer pan. She loved getting to help mommy in the kitchen and took her job very seriously...I could not get her to crack a smile!!!
Like I said...she was serious!
A couple weeks ago I made dumplings for chicken & dumplings. I let Randal help me put the dumplings on the freezer pan. She loved getting to help mommy in the kitchen and took her job very seriously...I could not get her to crack a smile!!!
Like I said...she was serious!
I'm loving the flour in her hair!
The day before Tilley's arrival it was dreary and rainy out....perfect weather for rain boots and a rain jacket :) Tilley Grey is here!!!!
Tilley Grey arrived Friday morning (the 20th) at 11:52AM. She weighed in at 7lbs 9oz and measured 20in long. We are so in love with her :)
As expected I had to have a c-section as Miss Tilley did not want to move head down. The surgery went very well and the doctor said there was no reason Tilley didn't flip (ie short cord) other than she must be stubborn!!! Since I had a c-section we had to stay at the hospital 2 nights but were released before lunch on Sunday.
Surprisingly enough I am feeling much better after this birth than Randal's which is shocking to everyone I've told....but its true :) I am still a bit slow to do anything involving my lower abs (ie standing up), but don't require assistance like I did the first 2 days post-surgery.
The hardest thing since bringing baby #2 home from the hospital hasn't been healing or taking care of a newborn (as it was with Randal) instead its been telling my first born that mommy can't hold her :(. I can not lift anything heavier than the weight of Tilley for at least 4 weeks, yes 4 WEEKS!!! It really does break my heart, but Randal is taking everything in stride. I'd say she might be a bit more challenging this week than usual as she adjusts but overall she is making out to be a fantastic big sister. Just today after I was done nursing Tilley I put her in the bassinet so I could sit down on the couch and get some cuddle time with Randal Jean and Randal Jean would not have it that the baby be left in the bassinet...go figure!
Here are a couple of pictures of Tilley Grey...for more please go to my photography blog.
As expected I had to have a c-section as Miss Tilley did not want to move head down. The surgery went very well and the doctor said there was no reason Tilley didn't flip (ie short cord) other than she must be stubborn!!! Since I had a c-section we had to stay at the hospital 2 nights but were released before lunch on Sunday.
Surprisingly enough I am feeling much better after this birth than Randal's which is shocking to everyone I've told....but its true :) I am still a bit slow to do anything involving my lower abs (ie standing up), but don't require assistance like I did the first 2 days post-surgery.
The hardest thing since bringing baby #2 home from the hospital hasn't been healing or taking care of a newborn (as it was with Randal) instead its been telling my first born that mommy can't hold her :(. I can not lift anything heavier than the weight of Tilley for at least 4 weeks, yes 4 WEEKS!!! It really does break my heart, but Randal is taking everything in stride. I'd say she might be a bit more challenging this week than usual as she adjusts but overall she is making out to be a fantastic big sister. Just today after I was done nursing Tilley I put her in the bassinet so I could sit down on the couch and get some cuddle time with Randal Jean and Randal Jean would not have it that the baby be left in the bassinet...go figure!
Here are a couple of pictures of Tilley Grey...for more please go to my photography blog.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Baby Update
For those who aren't on facebook I'd thought I'd share two recent pictures and give you a baby update.
I had my pre-op appt today and Tilley is still head up so we are moving forward with the c-section tomorrow (or really later today since its past midnight!). I like that I will get to take a shower and get ready at my own pace in the morning but not thrilled about the whole major surgery thing, but it is what it is at this point. I will have one last ultrasound just before surgery and if she miraculously turns just before surgery I wont have to have surgery!!! My doctor said that she doesn't see that happening but if it does she will probably just induce me while I'm in the hospital :) So one way or another we will be a family of 4 tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
This was taken last weekend...our last weekend as a family of 3!
I had my pre-op appt today and Tilley is still head up so we are moving forward with the c-section tomorrow (or really later today since its past midnight!). I like that I will get to take a shower and get ready at my own pace in the morning but not thrilled about the whole major surgery thing, but it is what it is at this point. I will have one last ultrasound just before surgery and if she miraculously turns just before surgery I wont have to have surgery!!! My doctor said that she doesn't see that happening but if it does she will probably just induce me while I'm in the hospital :) So one way or another we will be a family of 4 tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
This was taken last weekend...our last weekend as a family of 3!
As excited as I am to welcome another little girl in to the family I am so scared of how Randal will feel once I am holding a new baby. I hope she enjoys Tilley as much when she is here and she has enjoyed her while she has been growing in by belly :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012
Matt's Masterpiece and Baby Update
We've been in crazy baby prep mode around here with Tilley's arrival just days away!!! But before I get on to that I was told that I MUST blog about Matt's masterpiece.
So here it goes....
We had planned on getting an old dresser from my parent's for Tilley's room and painting it white, but as it got closer to gettting said dresser down to Wilmington my mom said she really didn't think we were going to like it once we got it down here, but she had a solution :) She had found a dresser with hutch that was already in Wilmington at a secondhand furniture shop that had just been marked down to $75 from $190 and that if we liked it she would buy it (thanks by the way!). Matt went and checked it last Friday and decided it fit the bill. On Saturday we had it at our house and Matt's work on his masterpiece began. He took this dreadful looking dresser and hutch and painted it white with blue inlay on the drawers and backboard of the hutch. He also switched out the hardware. It is beautiful and looks like we (or my mom really) paid much more than $75 for it!!! I'll be honest I was not sure if the blue was going to look right and fought off the urge to just tell Matt to paint it white when he told me his idea, but he is actually pretty good when it comes to seeing how things will turn out so I'm glad I didn't speak up and just let him do what he wanted. Considering the blue paint took 5 coats I'm sure he wishes I spoke up, but the blue sure does look great. Thanks babe!
Check out the before and after:
Randal Jean enjoying one of the baby toys we have brought out of storage :)
Now on to the baby update...
At this week's appointments my doctor confirmed that Tilley is already proving to be more difficult than Randal as she is in the head up (breech) position. I had Matt come along with me to this appointment as I was almost certain this was the case and I knew that options would be discussed/decisions made. We talked about what our options are to try and flip Tilley and what to do if she doesn't flip. The option to medically flip Tilley to the head down position didn't seem to have that great of a benefit compared to the risk. The option I was given if she stays head up is to have a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks. Let me tell you I DO NOT want a c-section. Totally against them unless medically necessary...which this one will/would be. So unless Tilley flips on her own by the 39 week mark (Jan 20th) we will have a scheduled c-section. Far from how I had envisioned this delivery, but if it gives me a healthy baby girl I am okay with it. Also, if we do have the scheduled c-section it looks like all of our family will be here (including Uncle Kyle who lives in Jersey)...so for now I am praying that she flips on her own but also looking for all the positive things (like everyone being here) if I do have to go through with the c-section. Prayers for her to flip please and if she doesn't please pray for a safe and successful c-section....and quick recovery :)
So here it goes....
We had planned on getting an old dresser from my parent's for Tilley's room and painting it white, but as it got closer to gettting said dresser down to Wilmington my mom said she really didn't think we were going to like it once we got it down here, but she had a solution :) She had found a dresser with hutch that was already in Wilmington at a secondhand furniture shop that had just been marked down to $75 from $190 and that if we liked it she would buy it (thanks by the way!). Matt went and checked it last Friday and decided it fit the bill. On Saturday we had it at our house and Matt's work on his masterpiece began. He took this dreadful looking dresser and hutch and painted it white with blue inlay on the drawers and backboard of the hutch. He also switched out the hardware. It is beautiful and looks like we (or my mom really) paid much more than $75 for it!!! I'll be honest I was not sure if the blue was going to look right and fought off the urge to just tell Matt to paint it white when he told me his idea, but he is actually pretty good when it comes to seeing how things will turn out so I'm glad I didn't speak up and just let him do what he wanted. Considering the blue paint took 5 coats I'm sure he wishes I spoke up, but the blue sure does look great. Thanks babe!
Check out the before and after:
Randal Jean enjoying one of the baby toys we have brought out of storage :)
Now on to the baby update...
At this week's appointments my doctor confirmed that Tilley is already proving to be more difficult than Randal as she is in the head up (breech) position. I had Matt come along with me to this appointment as I was almost certain this was the case and I knew that options would be discussed/decisions made. We talked about what our options are to try and flip Tilley and what to do if she doesn't flip. The option to medically flip Tilley to the head down position didn't seem to have that great of a benefit compared to the risk. The option I was given if she stays head up is to have a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks. Let me tell you I DO NOT want a c-section. Totally against them unless medically necessary...which this one will/would be. So unless Tilley flips on her own by the 39 week mark (Jan 20th) we will have a scheduled c-section. Far from how I had envisioned this delivery, but if it gives me a healthy baby girl I am okay with it. Also, if we do have the scheduled c-section it looks like all of our family will be here (including Uncle Kyle who lives in Jersey)...so for now I am praying that she flips on her own but also looking for all the positive things (like everyone being here) if I do have to go through with the c-section. Prayers for her to flip please and if she doesn't please pray for a safe and successful c-section....and quick recovery :)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Christmas Morning
Christmas morning was spent just the 3 of us in Wilmington. It was so much fun getting to see Randal's eyes light up when she saw all of her gifts from Santa :)
Santa's gift before Randal saw them
She went for the plastic place mats first, ha!
Santa's gift before Randal saw them
She went for the plastic place mats first, ha!
On to opening her stocking....what do you think she went for first the M&Ms or the candy cane?
Candy Cane! More from Christmas morning :)
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Goodbye Christmas Tree
We took down all of our Christmas decorations today. Randal Jean was very sad to see all of the decorations, tree, Santas, etc go away. As we would grab the next object to wrap up and put away she would try and grab it saying "mine mine mine." Even the garland from the porch was apparently "hers"...no clue what she had planned to do with it for the next year!
Possibly the most troubling for her was the see our Christmas tree go up in smokes. Although troubling she moved on in about 5 seconds to playing on her playset :)
As you can see having the Christmas tree burn was troubling for her. And a side note...the pic on the top left and the bottom were taken about 30 secs apart. It terrifies me how quickly a dry Christmas tree can burn.
Possibly the most troubling for her was the see our Christmas tree go up in smokes. Although troubling she moved on in about 5 seconds to playing on her playset :)
As you can see having the Christmas tree burn was troubling for her. And a side note...the pic on the top left and the bottom were taken about 30 secs apart. It terrifies me how quickly a dry Christmas tree can burn.
All was forgotten by the time she reached the slide :)
Just playing in the backyard and loving on her Bubba :)
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