I had my pre-op appt today and Tilley is still head up so we are moving forward with the c-section tomorrow (or really later today since its past midnight!). I like that I will get to take a shower and get ready at my own pace in the morning but not thrilled about the whole major surgery thing, but it is what it is at this point. I will have one last ultrasound just before surgery and if she miraculously turns just before surgery I wont have to have surgery!!! My doctor said that she doesn't see that happening but if it does she will probably just induce me while I'm in the hospital :) So one way or another we will be a family of 4 tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
This was taken last weekend...our last weekend as a family of 3!
As excited as I am to welcome another little girl in to the family I am so scared of how Randal will feel once I am holding a new baby. I hope she enjoys Tilley as much when she is here and she has enjoyed her while she has been growing in by belly :)

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