This past Sunday we went to the Air Show in Wilmington. It was my first time going to such an event (and Randal's!). It was an absolutely gorgeous day...perfect for plane watching. Randal didn't really get it, but seemed to enjoy herself since she was outside. Matt has gone to plenty of airshows and I can already tell that Matt and Randal Jean will be going to many more in the future :)

We ran in to my friend, Heather, and her family at the air show. She has the most adorable 2 year old, Jackson :) Randal seemed to be quite smitten with probably didn't hurt that he was very generous with his goldfish. Here are some of Heather and her family:
Some of the airplanes
Truly a Bork tradition...... Matt was about that age when he went to his first airshow. Love all the pics.....but where are Kirk and Mitchell??