It is absolutely FRIGHTENING how fast time has gone by since Randal was born. I can not believe she is 4 weeks old. She has changed so much from when she born that its insane! I am enjoying watching her grow and become more interactive day by day but at the same time I want to bottle up all of her "babiness" so she can stay this way. Just this past weekend she started wearing 0-3 month clothes :( This was a true sign that my little girl is growing. She is such a skinny girl but has some long limbs so her newborn clothes had unintentionally become 3/4 length shirts and capris. We dont have another doctors appt until Randal is 2 months so I dont have an official weight of length but I could guess she is around 9 lbs and growing daily. Here is a pic of when she was first born and a more recent one....where has the time gone?!?!

My how time flies!!