The past two and half weeks have gone by so quickly. Matt and I are trying to savor every moment with Randal as she seems to be changing every day.
Doctors Appointments
*Randal had her first doctors appt the day after we brought her home. She weighed in at 7 lbs 3 oz and her color was great.
*We then went back at 1 week and she was up to 7 lbs 6 oz. We also had a small triumph at this appt (ha!...let me explain). Randal had not had a dirty (poop) diaper in 3 days when we went to the doctor. This concerned me as I am nursing and dirty diapers are an indicator that Randal is getting the nutrition that she needs. While at the doctor the nurse took a rectal temperature. Because I knew the doctor would be in shortly and would want the diaper off again I didnt do a great job putting it back on....boy was that a mistake. The rectal temperature sure got things moving and we had our first dirty diaper in 3 days and boy was it a good one (aka blowout!). Never did I think I would celebrate dirty diapers. Welcome to parenthood, right ?!?
*Randal had yet another appt at 2 weeks. She was back to her birth weight of 7lbs 9oz at this appt. This was great news as doctors usually ask that you supplement your breast milk if your baby isnt back to their birth weight by the two week mark. She measured in at 20 inches at this appt...I dont think she grew two inches in two weeks...she was probably just more stretched out at 2 weeks old as opposed to right out of the oven.
I'm not going to lie Randal has done pretty good with her naps and nighttime sleeping. Yes, I have had a night or two where I wished she had slept more but overall I don't feel overtired and exhausted. She is typically awake most of the day and feeds like crazy but that all means I can get long spans of sleep at night. The longest span of sleep at night has been 6 hours. This has happened twice :)
Randal has been great on all of our outtings thus far. We have taken her to Bento Box and to Catch for dinner and I have taken her to Costco, Target, and Belk to run errands. Having such a great baby that allows me to run errands and go out for a nice dinner with my husband has definitly kept me sane :)
Everything else :)
*Randal is currently going thru about 80-85 diapers a week! With her multiple and frequent feedings during the day it is difficult to keep a dry diaper on her.
*Matt and I have been using cloth diapers on Randal since we brought her home from the hospital. Now that we have the hang of them they are just as easy as disposables. PS- Matt is a pro at changing diapers
*Randal's umbilical cord stub fell off at 2 weeks 1 day so we can now give her baths in the infant tub. She seems to like bath time :) Hopefully she will continue to like the water so we can spend lots of time at the beach this summer.
*We had newborn pictures taken today....stay tuned for a link to Katie Mathews blog post when she posts them
*And in case you didnt know I have the CUTEST KID EVER!!!! That's all....

Great parents make great children!....and you're off to a great start. Such a precious little should be very proud...I know I am!!