Luckily we were all able to leave the hospital on Thursday the 25th. The nurses and doctors started the day off telling us we would leave around lunch. Lunch came and went and then we were told we would be discharged "shortly." Finally around 930pm we were discharged. Matt and I stopped by Subway to pick up dinner on our way home. Side note: Matt and I also ate Subway on the way to Raleigh from Wilmington after our wedding....I guess Subway is "our restaurant"....sad but true. Anyways back to the baby. Matt and I were excited to get home to introduce Randal Jean to our fur babies Cobi and Tessa. We had been told by my parent's vet to have Matt walk in with Randal as the dogs are both more possessive of me and seeing me with a new baby after my absence might cause them to instantly resent her. As directed Matt walked in with Randal and I manned the camera. Cobi and Tessa did surprisingly well when they met Randal. They just wanted to smell her and lick her....we didn't allow the licking for obvious reasons.
Unfortunately I didn't realize what setting the camera was on when I started snapping away so we didn't get any great pictures of Randal's intro to the pups but we did get a couple decent ones.

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