Sunday, September 12, 2010

6 month stats

Randal had her 6 month well visit on Friday. She weighed in at 16.4 lbs (50th percentile) and 27.25 in long (90th percentile)...she is one long little girl! She had to get 4 shots and 1 oral vaccine. Despite using her as a pin cushion she cried for less than 10 seconds. Hopefully, she will continue to act like this for shots because if she ends up taking after me the nurses will be chasing her around the office to give her shots once she's mobile (not kidding, I really did this!). The doc said she looked great and told us to go ahead and let her try cheerios. I have started to put some cheerios on her high chair before every meal but she isnt showing much interest in eating them, just playing with them.
The below is the result of putting a cheerio in her mouth:
Thinking about it...
"Mom, I dont know about this!"
Maybe some other time...

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