Sunday, April 17, 2011

Water Table!

Do you remember playing with a water table in Kindergarten and how much fun it was?  Yeah, I know water tables were the best :) 

With the temperature rising we got Randal Jean a water table for the backyard and she has been having a BLAST splashing around!


 She really gets in to the splashing and makes the funniest faces!!!
 The funniest :)
 I try so hard to keep a hat on her to protect her little face from the sun, but boy does she hate to wear a hat...
...and its really such a shame considering she looks like an absolute doll in this hat.  Oh how I could just eat this child for breakfast, lunch, and dinner :)


  1. hahahaha great post. however, i have no recollection of any water tables.

  2. Me either! I opposed the purchase as I thought a water table was some torture device used at Guantanamo Bay.

    What kind of kindergarten did you go to sweetheart?

  3. Seriously?!?! Am I the only one who had a water table at school? I think you two just have bad memories!

  4. I did have playdough, but that's a story for another day..............(probably not "The Bork Family Blog" appropriate)
