Thursday, November 29, 2012


The stomach bug has made it through our household getting to each of us one by one. I don't know if I should be thankful that it has hit us one at a time so I can care for my babes or wish it had hit us all at once so we could just be done with this mess. It started with Matt over the weekend then Randal Jean, myself, and now Tilley.

I don't think there is ever a good time to be this sick but this is without a doubt the worst time of year for me to be sick. My business really kicks it up a notch at the holidays and I have found myself rescheduling sessions and emailing clients to tell them it will be a bit longer on their galleries. Everyone has been so gracious so far as the overwhelming majority of my clients are parents of young children so they get it but I really just want to get back to work soon.

I'll get back to blogging once I'm caught up on client orders/edits. I'm currently blogging from my phone while Tilley sleeps in my arms. If you want up to date pics of the girls check out my Instagram feed on the right sidebar.

This is a pic of Tilley in my arms right now with RJ logging some quiet time on the iPad in the background.

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