We "tailgated"/pre-gamed (can you pre-game with kids?) at Kirk's apartment in downtown Charlotte then headed out to the game just as it started to rain. It rained the whole walk there and while we waited to have the diaper bag searched but it stopped when it was time for the game. Tilley got a bit antsy soon after the game started so I took her out of the baby bjorn and she ended up sleeping through the second quarter. All the while Randal Jean was clapping and doing the Panther growl. Just before halftime it started to rain again so I took shelter with Tilley and headed back once it was time for the 3rd quarter. Both girls were fantastic for the last half of the game. On the walk back to Kirk's apartment Randal Jean fell asleep in Matt's arms...so glad he was carrying her. Once we made it back to Kirk's I fed Tilley and we got on the road around 6 to arrive back in Wilmington just after 10. Tilley slept the whole way and after watching The Wizard of Oz 1 1/2 times Randal Jean finally fell asleep too. Both girls transferred easily to their crib/bed....I think we can say the day was a success!!!
Classic Randal Jean....

Kirk and his girlfriend, Julie

Julie and some of the other people that were also at Kirk's before the game...the child-less crew thankfully didn't seem to mind that two babies crashed the party
Some iphone and point-and-shoot (circa 2003....its an antique!) photos 
Matt's genius idea to give her a red Italian ice while wearing gray....

Worn out big girl!
I'm so happy it didn't pour down rain the whole time! Love the pictures!
ReplyDeleteFor the record, Kirk lives in Uptown and (according to Randal) in a castle....