Sunday, September 23, 2012


Self-portraits....not quite as easy as I thought...

I feel like I don't have many pictures of me interacting with the girls especially Tilley alone with me.  I try to get the camera out and give it to Matt as much as possible but he hates being asked to take pictures about as much as he hates being in them and then its just a mess because I really want him to take the picture and he really doesn't want to take it...or I should say he gets annoyed when children don't cooperate and let me tell you children and photography rarely cooperate as you want them to.

Anyways...I had Tilley to myself on Friday night so I attempted to grab a couple pictures of just the two of us.  Getting the camera set up correctly, getting it to lock it focus where I wanted it, and then running to get in the picture (so I didn't have to use a remote) was hard work.  Here are take 135, 228, and 307 respectively....  Not really but that's how many pictures I felt like I took before I even got these that I am decently happy with.

Taking these pictures has made me super super super excited to get out family pictures taken by a photographer in October.  I have specifically chosen someone whose style is very journalistic so hopefully we will get a lot of the interaction or inbetween moments as I like to call them when we have our session in late October.