Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Randal Jean goes shrimping

One night last week Matt took Randal Jean shrimping after work.  It seems they both had a great time; however, the bounty may have been a little greater sans a 2-year old but who cares....memories were made :)  After they got home Matt dumped the shrimp in the sink and Randal Jean watched them swim around for a bit before she got distracted by something else (story of her life....).  By the time she thought about the shrimp again Matt had already prepared them to be cooked the next day.  Here is the conversation after Randal Jean saw the prepared shrimp:

Matt: Randal Jean look the shrimp are all ready to be cooked (showing Randal Jean the shrimp in a strainer).
Randal Jean: Daddy, where they faces?
Matt: (Opens the trash can lid) I had to take them off because we only eat the tails
Randal Jean: Daddy, put their faces back on
Matt: No, honey we don't eat their faces we eat the tails
Randal: Okay, we just eat the tails....Eat 'em all up!

Randal Jean has since talked about faces quite a bit she even told me she was going to eat my face, bones (what she calls my collarbone), and belly button....toddlers are nothing short of constant entertainment!

For the record the shrimp they caught were probably the best steamed shrimp I've ever had in my life!

Eating cold pizza...the decision for Randal Jean to go with Matt was last minute and at dinner time so her grabbed 3 slices of cold pizza to take on the boat thinking that would be enough for both of them.  Randal Jean ate all 3!
If I know my daughter I'm pretty sure she was telling Matt what to do :)
The shrimp!...or "shrimps" as Randal Jean calls them
 Randal Jean looking at the shrimp in the sink (with heads on at this point, ha!)

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