Sunday, January 16, 2011

Randal's "Special" Christmas Present

Yes, Christmas was so last month but I still have things to share :)

Anyways, a couple months before Christmas I had high hopes of making Randal some Christmas outfits.  My mom and I even went to Elegant Stitches in Raleigh to pick the patterns and material.  Well time kept ticking away and those patterns and material just sat in our office.  Before I knew it we were 2 weeks from Christmas and there was no point in me making her outfits that she would wear once.  I felt so horrible...all I wanted to do was give Randal something special that she could hand down to her little girl one day and I FAILED!  Ugh, I hate feeling like I've failed.

So to add to my self inflicted sense of failure I asked my husband what we should give Randal because I knew Santa was already bringing her way too much.  And what does he say..."I think we should give her something special, you know like something hand made."  Well, thanks hon!  So, in that moment I issued myself the challenge of making Randal a blanket for Christmas.  This would still be special like the outfits but it used much more.  

I had found a tutorial for a faux chenille blanket online a while ago that I loved and thought this would be the perfect excuse to make it.  So about a week before Christmas I went to Fran's and picked out the material.  Side note: Since this was supposed to be "special" it took me forever to pick the material, but finally Lindsey (she's great at putting things together if you ever go to Fran's) helped me pick the perfect material and coordinating flannels.   

Gosh I'm too wordy...

So 3 night before Christmas I started the blanket.  That night and the night after I stayed up until 3am making the blanket as I was determined not to fail again at my attempt to give Randal something "special" for Christmas.  So after many hours I am glad to say I did finish the blanket in to for Christmas morning.  

I was so excited to give Randal the blanket; however, her 10 month old self could have really cared less. I just have to keep telling myself that one day she will appreciate it.

Here I am giving the blanket to Randal while she is much more interested in the tissue paper that the blanket was wrapped in....typical.
Already over it as she plays with an empty box...again, typical!
I try to bring the blanket out as much as I can...because like I said Randal could care less right now.  So we take it outside.  Check out all those rows of chenille!
We play peek-a-boo!  Can you find Randal?
There she is :)
Randal and puppy taking a nap on the couch
And my favorite detail...."Love Mommy"

If you're crafty and are interested in the tutorial I can be found here.  Mine was different in that I used 4 backing fabrics 1 pink and 3 various flannels.  I only cut through the flannel backing pieces for the rows of chenille and I cut them using a chenille cutter rather than scissors like the tutorial (this shaved off atleast 2 hours).  Anyways, the pink backing fabric allowed for some contrast in between the rows of chenille (you can see it best of the peek a boo pick above).  Also, the "Love Mommy" used the same concept of the chenille in that I stitched was I wanted using my embroidery foot and then cut around the stitches leaving just enough fabric to chenille up when I put it in the wash.

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