Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sharing....with Tessa

Randal has become ALL about Cobi and Tessa lately.  She tries to crawl on them, pet them, pull their hair, share her toys, and even share her food.  All of that is pretty cute except the sharing, because sharing with the dogs means stuffing food or toys in to their mouths.  Okay, I must correct myself it is pretty cute...but far from sanitary!  We are really trying to get her to stop "sharing" when its meal time as 1) she needs to eat not the dogs (they do to, but you get it) 2) the dogs need to learn that Randal isn't their meal ticket and 3) Feeding a dog and then immediately feeding herself I'm sure isn't the healthiest of things to do.  

Here she is trying to share her sippy with Tessa:
And this is the face she is making at her daddy when he told her "no" as she was sharing with Tessa.  Goodness gracious telling that sweet little face no is hard!

1 comment:

  1. She is getting cuter by the day! I love the new family picture!
